Read this on the home page functionality

In terms of how we did this for Mapping LAWS - the homepage is a bit of a showcase of all activity (media coverage, project news, conferences, publications, outputs, blog posts etc.). This seems to work well to show off lots of activity to anyone interested. The main thing is we need an image for each post. I’d be keen on just listing all items out on the home page to show everything off in one long page (like Mapping LAWS site). Images for things like conferences are a bit of a pain. These could be some kind of abstract (maybe generated) image or an image of the conference location or a screenshot of the powerpoint slide.

Any other relevant stuff to put up pre-launch? What other things could be announced in terms of news? e.g. could have one to say Jhon and Chloe appointed, Isoa joins project, could have something to announce project being funded. Text for these can be very brief. Just helpful to tell the story of the project.